@article{oai:iidawjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000109, author = {北原, みゆき and 片岡, 沙月 and 伊藤, 梓 and 松下, 慶子 and 山下, 紗也加 and 川俣, 幸一}, journal = {飯田女子短期大学紀要}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, Abstract:It is important for athletes who need stamina to take antioxidants. There are many findings that they can reduce muscular pain and fatigue. They are however,usually taken in the form of supplements and there are few studies on the nutritional instructions to take antioxidant-rich food.This study gave a Japanese male amateur bicyclist nutritional instructions through his team's official blog to increase antioxidant concentrations in his blood. The antioxidants assisted him in diminishing his muscular pain and fatigue. The blog-based instructions were followed seven times in one month. In each survey, the cyclist posted a photograph of his dinner on the blog. A nutritional adviser replied with the meal's nutritional calculations and advised him to consume antioxidant-rich foods like vegetables, fish, and nuts. The bicyclist then replied to the advisor's recommendations.Eating habits, blood test results, and fatigue level were compared before and after the survey.The result showed that the bicyclist improved his nutritional balance by eating more antioxidant-rich food. The subject's serum creatinine-kinase and fatigue level decreased after instructions.In conclusion, even though we studied only one individual, our data indicated that blog-based nutritional instructions for antioxidant-rich food can be an effective methodology for Japanese male bicyclists.}, pages = {71--87}, title = {抗酸化食材摂取をテーマとした日本人自転車ロード選手へのブログを用いた個人栄養サポート研究}, volume = {31}, year = {2014} }