@article{oai:iidawjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000097, author = {大池, 奈津希 and 川俣, 幸一}, journal = {飯田女子短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Iida Women's Junior College}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, There are many reports which indicate a significantly positive correlation between the anti-oxidization activity and the total amount of polyphenol in fruit and vegetables, but there are few papers that describe the vitamin C concentration in sample extraction solvent. The purpose of this study was to determine correlation between the vitamin C and the anti-oxidization activity in various experimental conditions. Fruit used in the experiments included melons and prunes which were locally produced in the southern Nagano area of Japan. The edible portion of each fruit and vegetables was cut into the sample (melon peel nothing, prune peel attached). Melons, which had been peeled, and unpeeled prunes were cut into pieces. Distilled water, 50% hydrous methanol, 100% methanol, and 1% HCl-methanol were used as a polyphenol extracting solvent. The HPLC method was utilized to measure vitamin C concentrations of the sample fruit. Anti-oxidization activity analysis was performed using a spectrogram photometer to measure the α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity. Total polyphenol content was measured by Folin-Ciocalteu method. In conclusion, if more than 0.5-1mg/100mL of reduced vitamin C concentration was dissolved in sample extraction solvent, it indicated that there was a significantly positive correlation between vitamin C and anti-oxidization activity in polyphenol experiment. Also, in the sample extraction solvent which did not contain vitamin C, 1% HCl-methanol had a better extraction result compared with distilled water.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {サンプル抽出液中に含まれるビタミンCがDPPH抗酸化活性に及ぼす影響 ―メロンとプルーンを用いた事例―}, volume = {30}, year = {2013} }